Course Date: 15-Apr-2025 to 17-Apr-2025

Course Fees $230.00 (before GST)
Estimated payable after funding
(after SSG grant)
Batch 31348- 20 seats available
Time 09:00 to 18:00
Course Language English
Course Location Kaki Bukit Ave 3
Postal Code:415814

If claiming SSG funding, ensure that you have paid each Singapore Citizen or SPR CPF for at least 3 months.
Otherwise, funding will likely be rejected by SSG and we have to backcharge the fees to you.Thank you for your understanding.

Additional data required by MOM for WSH courses

Additional Details
TPG Reference TGS-2023040245
Entry Requirements

Students are assumed to have at least 1 year of WSH relevant working experience and possess:

  • ES Workplace Literacy and Numeracy Level 5 or GCE ā€œNā€ Level English grade 5 & Mathematics grade 5; and
  • WSH skills and knowledge equivalent to that of Certificate in WSH

Assessment Requirements

To be competent in this topic the participant must:

  1. Complete all formative assessment(8 activities including individual RA form)
  2. Complete the closed book 50 question summative exam on the final day in 90mins with a passing mark of 65%
Certification WSQ Statement of Attainment (est 7 days after exam)
MOM TRS upload will be done after completion
Competency Card (est 7 days after exam)
If payment has been made, access to Virtual Card is available via Student App immediately after exam.
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